Friday, October 29, 2010

Terrorism is a law enforcement issue: what a concept!

Amazing to see that the latest potential terrorist tantrum from "Al Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula" or some other misanthropic group is being treated, well, as a criminal investigation rather than an excuse to bomb some pathetic country, give no-bid contracts in the billions to military-industrial complex playaz, and randomly "indefinitely detain" and waterboard some unlucky goat herders in Gitmo.

Much as President Obama irritates me for endlessly kow-towing to the great gods of bipartisanship for its own sake rather than actually attempting real progressive policy changes - at least he's letting what should be a law enforcement issue be one.  It doesn't sound like this one was solved by waterboarding some poor schmuck in Gitmo or by threatening to bomb someplace back to the stone age: no, just plain old gumshoe detective work unravelled whatever mischief was in the works here.

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